Hi there #fediverse, we're Chron 👋
For #followfriday, here's some of our team that's made it over to #mastodon 👇
➡️ Editorial Director @matthewkitchen
➡️ Managing Editor @kpjose
➡️ Senior Editor @notadoctorcarson
➡️ Sports Editor @criswell_sports
➡️ Sports Reporter @mshap2
➡️ Food Editor @emmabalter
➡️ Audience Editor @SarahDPearce
➡️ Trending News Reporter @arianagarcia
➡️ Trending News Reporter @michaelmurney
➡️ Metro Reporter @kennedysession
This might not be the most uplifting "2022 wrapped" list - but we hope it helps teams prioritising #accessibility in 2023 to find and fix the most critical accessibility issues we found over hundreds of accessibility reviews in 2022.
Here's to a more #inclusive 2023! Stay safe and merry holidays 🎉
Risks to Mastodon with increasing popularity
Interesting comment on Hackernews regarding a possible scenario/long term risk should Mastodon threaten the corporate sphere of social media.
I took a few minutes to write up some notes on how Mastodon is different from Twitter for some friends: https://johnresig.com/blog/twitter-mastodon/ Maybe this can be useful to you all, as well? (Although I suspect that if you're already on Mastodon it's a bit preaching-to-the-choir.) I'm excited to become more active in this community!
Mastodon is a gateway.
So, the European Union has set up its own Mastodon instance, EU Voice, as an official channel/platform for all its many institutions - what a great initiative https://social.network.europa.eu/about
#TwitterMigration #europe #Diplomacy #Transparency
Never got much traction on Twitter, so here goes on Mastodon: anyone who can speak English fluently, but also knows some #Greek, able to narrate an audio book? As itʼs a manʼs story in the first person, a voice identifying as male is preferred. Paid gig.
Hello! 👋
We are a non-profit international community where since 1994 our Members, staff and the public design and develop standards for the underlying protocols of the web.
Our focus: interoperability, security, privacy, web accessibility, internationalization.
With your help and our proven standards process based on fairness, openness, royalty-free, we make the Web work, for everyone.
We regularly publish highlights from our many work groups.
So blogs are dead, yeah? Check out ooh.directory, a growing index of blogs about all kinds of things, by @philgyford
Oh, I love this: @OohDirectory, a curated *and categorized* directory of hundreds of blogs.
I've created a small, incomplete, list of instances with moderators of color.
The list and suggestions became to much to keep up on my own, so here is a Google document, https://docs.google.com/document/d/12pTmSMpq8lMYyYlHT25DgTmdMmE6ysUyRHGiq-E4XdQ/edit?usp=sharingp
Here's how to move accounts and take your followers with you https://docs.joinmastodon.org/user/moving/
#BlackMastodon #BlackTwitter #BlackFedi #FediTips #TwitterMigration #MastoAdmin
📝 New post: It takes one person to knock down a silo. https://daverupert.com/2022/11/silos/
as sad as i am about the rapid destruction of twitter, the (re)surge in blogs and newsletters has been lovely
back to the #indieweb!
The Financial Times has set up a Mastodon instance for Alphaville writers and readers (currently invite-only, although there’s a link to sign up).
It will be interesting to see different orgs’ approach to this: community-driven vs employees-only, top-down control vs peer-to-peer connections. A lot of different possibilities are in play. https://www.ft.com/content/4daa7f1a-9825-4804-aed3-aa4365b16d3b
We're hiring for six positions on the editorial side of Scientific American right now: opinion editor, health editor, science reporter, copy editor, multimedia editor and engagement editor. The first five are listed and the sixth should be posted soon. You can see those openings plus some business and engineering jobs here. Thanks for considering these jobs yourself or recommending them to others! https://careers.springernature.com/search/?createNewAlert=false&q=&optionsFacetsDD_country=US&optionsFacetsDD_location=&optionsFacetsDD_customfield1=Scientific+American&optionsFacetsDD_customfield2=&optionsFacetsDD_customfield3=
Another twist: These payments on Etherscan appear to have been fake. According to Elliptic, someone used made-up tokens to trick Etherscan into showing they came from this address.
BUT Elliptic still says the money's movements don't look like that of a government agency. Putting it through decentralized exchanges (to swap it without providing ID) doesn't look like actions of a regulator, says Elliptic chief scientist Tom Robinson. He suggests it could be *both* regulators and foul play.
Updated story: https://www.wired.com/story/ftx-hack-theft-crypto-tracing/
To all mastodon admins:
Hi! I’m Evan Phoenix, the primary author of puma, the ruby webserver that powers mastodon!
Please reply or DM me if you need tuning help! I’ve got no officiation with the mastodon, just want to see you succeed!
(Quick Tip: set WEB_CONCURRENCY to core count * 1.5 and then tune MAX_THREADS. High thread values will see diminishing returns!)
TypeScript junkie, Python hipster, and Golang wannabe | Product-focused Software Engineer building SaaS apps.