Postgres is so fucking fun to work with. Adding PostgREST on top of that makes it easy to mock up an API quickly.

Keep Claude (using Cody) close to check for errors and ensure the decisions are okay and this is fun again.

I can contribute to more than one fun project on a given day.

To be fair, I also included information she asked me for, like insurance cards and the card we are using to buy groceries this month (part of our personal finance setup).

This is getting useful, so I'm creating a small Expo interface on top of it because my kids, as they get older, start asking the same questions.

The best part? The name of the project is "Dad forgets." 😅

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So, I thought that managing the household would be easier when my kids got older.

Managing a household of three adults (one soon to become an adult) and two teenagers is hard.

Of course, to make it easier for my wife, I put all the info I usually ask her into a database I query using a Telegram bot. Complicated questions like the kids' age and birthdays, or tough questions like their blood types or teacher's names.

Oh shit, iwantmyname, my domain registrar of choice for ~10 years was bought by a multinational holding company. Time to move. Most likely to DNS Simple.

I used to shit on GraphQL but find PostgREST amazing. I hope you see the irony.

damn, yall were right. apple music has better audio quality.

i wrote a quick reference post on converting small Python scripts into CLI tools. i already have a CLI tool starter repository, but not all scripts are planned to be a CLI tool from the beginning.

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